Monday, April 11, 2011


"You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the life, to my soul.
You are my purpose, you're everything.

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?"

-Everything, Lifehouse

This is my "En. Bf".

This person is my life, the purpose for my waking up each morning, my comfort pillow, my strength, my favourite belonging, in short, my everything.

I'm still amazed by the fact that we managed to pull through, despite all the hardships in the last 6 years. Our relationship is filled with flavor, laughter and tears, and most importantly, our ability to laugh at the things that brought us tears in the first place. Sweet memories lined our journey as a couple, pulling us closer together.

I love seeing him in his KABA shirt...

I love watching him at work, with that focused look on his face, the occasional head scratching...

This is us on his graduation day.

His imperfections make him perfect...

I can't even try to explain what he means to me. Going to bed without him by my side hurts. Being at work during days that he is off work sucks, lying on the couch watching tv on a rainy day makes me miss him the most.

God created an amazing creature, who happens to be mine. What a blessing, eh? :)


  1. sayang!! aaaaaa!! sayang u sangat!! rindu gile laa kita mcm ni..

    a great wonderful 6 years and counting. hopefully we will start a great life together counting next year!! hehe

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. U guys are so cute just like Chipmunks!!

  3. hahaha...we're like chipmunks. right.. hahahhaaa...
