Wednesday, August 10, 2011

S & H- the perfect combo

H is fast asleep at home...I wish I can creep into that tiny bed, as he calls it, and lie beside him... One day, very soon, I will be able to do that.. :) I'm still trying to imagine us living in our house in Nilai, waking him up for sahur.. and then come Hari Raya driving down south and flying up east coast. To have him by my side when I close my eyes and to see him first thing the moment I wake up each morning. I have been wishing for that.. It's about time it happens. ;p

Six years ago, it didn't cross my mind i'd find my soulmate. Someone who is always there, someone who never fails to love and support and cherish me for the person I am. Someone who drives me crazy with his mood swings and yet, still I can't stop loving him for the person he is, the person he makes me, and the person I am when I'm with him.

He never fails to hold my hand when I cry, even though in between the soothing and calming he somehow manage to insert some kind of scolding (he does, truly, drive me crazy), and yet life without him is quite unimaginable. Life without his warmth and smile? I would actually go crazy.

We have a way of making each other laugh.. We'd giggle and snicker at our private jokes.. I can already imagine our giggles late into the night in the Nilai house. It being a new house, and me not familiar with it yet, I'd most probably drag him downstairs just to get a glass of water. (If you think I'm brave, you're wrong.)

I'm a messy person, but I can't stand a dirty place. H's standard of clean, is a little lower than mine, but he's a neat freak. So I guess I'll be doing the cleaning and he'll be doing the tidying. With our hectic schedule, I certainly hope the house will be in livable condition. If it gets too messy we can always go to my mum's house.. or his mum's house... or even nana's house. Hihihihiii...

I always treasure our quiet discussions of the house, what it will be like and what we'll do to each room. The playful arguments of how I want the study to remain as it is while he won't hesitate to turn it into baby's room..

There's always something to share with each other at the end of each day.. H would have his stories of Teh, and RB and KABA's bickering plus stupid sites and stupid clients.. I'd spill my version of how the day sucks.. It took me quite a while to get him to talk and share. He used to think he is the superhero who needs to keep everything bottled up inside, suffer in silence kind of person. Now, he can't stop spilling.. and I'll always be the faithful listener, nodding and smiling, laughing when it gets to the funny part. Somehow funny parts of the stories usually involves Teh and some gross things. Now Teh is gone, H is insanely busy and all stressed out. Less funny stories, more cursing. Hehe..

Well..That's us, in a nutshell. :) This journey will continue, as we grow and learn, individually and together. One thing remains though, we're quite perfect for each other. I really do think so. ;)


  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i wonder who is the "H" u talking about. jeles nehhh!

    cant believe that in just a few months, we will be living together?? me as ur husband? hahaha!

    miss u sayang! rasa lama je tak jumpa bulan ramadhan neh.. huggs! love u verrrry X gazillion much! huggs!!

  2. mmg la susah nak jumpa... lps keje balik buka, lps buka u terawih, lps terawih u zzzZZZZzzzz.. hehehee... love u tooooooo!!!!

  3. U're always welcome at my house, ANYTIME!
