Saturday, September 17, 2011

bye bye at&t...

With a heavy heart, I made the decision to go for the new offer.. And now all I kept thinking is, whatever happened to "I'll never join cisco, I won't sacrifice my happiness for money". I do believe my family members assume I went for the money, they don't know at&t counter offered just as much. I know I'll be happy here, I'll be comfortable. That is all alright if this is all I want out of my career, if my job is just a job that pays my bills every month. The problem is I want to go somewhere, and cisco offers an expedited path towards that goal. So if my peace of mind is the price, I just have to pay. It keeps playing on my mind what Ana's mum used to say to me, "Whatever it takes, Sarah." Yes, whatever it takes. I have met a lot of nice people and made good friends here. It makes me sad every time I think about leaving. I used to say it won't be difficult for me to jump, because I don't feel any sense of attachment to the job, not like the previous job I had where I cringe every time my colleagues talk about my projects that were already handed over to them. The projects were my babies, I watch them progress to deployment stage from basically nothing at all. No, it's like like that in at&t, I said. Little that I know I would grow attached to the people instead, and the human connection is so much deeper than my attachments to the projects I used to lead. *sigh.. One never achieve anything great without sacrifice, right? And I cannot let myself settle for mediocre-ness, so sacrifice it is. I'll miss this cozy office, I'll miss the jokes and laughter shared with my friends.. :( But the time has come, and I must move on. One day, all these people that I love so dearly will also make their move. It's only a matter of who goes first, and who later. I will terribly miss at&t. Thank you for making my tenure a wonderful experience. Farewell. :(


  1. Ure a people person, babe. You'll be loved anywhere by anyone.. Im sure the new place would be honoured to have someone like you.. *hugs*
