Sunday, March 20, 2011


Wow.. twenty-sevennnnn!!! That's a big number. Huh. I'm not sure if I like being closer to thirty. But then, if i'm not 27, I wouldn't be here, enjoying the joys that life has rewarded me. If I were 24 or 25, I'd still be struggling to make ends meet every month, drooling every time I visit the mall because I can't afford anything I like. So I guess 27 is not that bad after all.

Well, as usual, the ritual....birthday blog. :)

So lets see... what have i learned for the past one year...

First and foremost, unconditional love, is hard. It tears you apart, break you, and wear you out. It's tough to keep it going. But having it is a blessing.

Well, I'm not sure if I have grown up since one year ago. If you were to ask H, he'd probably say no. Hell, he'd probably even say I haven't grown at all in the last 5 years. Well, I'm fine with that. You know what, when you love someone that much, it's fine he he says things like that. If you don't like it, you fight, if you can tolerate you ignore, and if you can look at it the funny way, you laugh. We fight like cats and dogs nowadays. Oh well, that's what relationship is about right? Fighting. ;)

Anyway, next year will bring something new to my life. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I'll discuss that when I'm ready.

One thing I do know for sure, buying home appliances makes me feel like a grown up. :) I haven't really been able to afford things for my house much in the past, given my salary was barely enough to feed both myself and my car. So now that I finally have the ability to do it, I can't stop. It is highly fatal to let me loose in IKEA without supervision. It is hazardous to my purse. And now that we've grown older, whenever H accompanies me to my IKEA trip, people would look at us like we're newlyweds. I think that's cute. Hehe.. ;p

Oh, I started cooking!! By that I discovered that I love making chinese stir-fries. So that's my second favourite after baking. Oh, and I see a new oven and mixer making it's way to my house. I can already smell the aroma of cupcakes and cookies wafting in the air, filling up the house with that vanilla scent.. Oooh.. Hahaaa.. H would shake his head and say, apa lagi you beli ni sayang... Beli oven la darling, how else am I suppose to bake without an oven??! Hehe.. But he's so supportive of my cooking, he 'belanja' me a wok last week. :) Thanks honey. That means more chinese cooking for you. ;)

Aaand... That's all for now. I have a feeling there will be a second entry on "being 27". So I guess I'll be writing again soon.

Til then, Happy birthday Sarah!!!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday sayang!! love u very much!! nnti kalau u rajin lagi masak, bukan wok je i belikan u, kuali apek yg besar tuh kita buat olio. u cook i watch cnn. harharharharhahharh!

    huggs dear! sweet 27! u are catching me! hehe.
