Monday, July 5, 2010

Changes. Yours and mine.

4.30 am in the morning. I finished my work about an hour ago. Sunyi. As usual, silence brought me back to past memories, future plans, and everything in between. Just 6 months ago life was ordinary and mundane. Even after two months in this new place, it still feels surreal whenever the thought of the old place come across my mind. It's like, wow, I'm here. I actually left. That wasn't the plan. Just like leaving Malaysia for two moths and staying in The Hague. That wasn't part of the plan either. But everything worked out in the end. I am happy where I am right now. The job, the team, the life, the routine. I like it so far. Being in shift, that's new. I can't say whether or not I like it yet, but I think I can get used to this. I have yet to hate anything so far. Well, other than having to go to the toilet alone in the middle of the night, that is. I am moving forward in my life, and that gives me a sense of pride. To take that step was extremely scary, but I did it. And now the scary part is over. The part of making that change is over. Being at work is still scary though. It's new, it's foreign. My lack of experience in this is making everything difficult. Mistakes are inevitable, and it scares me to death each time I carry out the implementation. But I am also gaining a lot of knowledge. So that's good.

My dear beloved is graduating. :) All the hard work poured in all those years... It has finally come to an end. We received an even bigger news tonight, but I will let him do the honour of breaking the news. All the sweat and tears have brought us to this point in life. You will be stepping into the working world soon enough, dear. A lot of things will change. I fear for us. The time that has to be spent your on work will be taxing on our relationship, just like mine was way back then, remember? So I hope and pray we will stay strong, like we did way back then when it was me who was drowning in work so much so that I could hardly reply a text message from you. However, we both are much more mature now, and a lot wiser. I believe we will be able to handle things better than we did before. Plus, the excitement of having you as a field engineer, I hope will help in easing the difficulty. I seriously can't wait to see how my other half's life journey will lay out from this point on. It has been a long wait. The moment is finally here. And he is worth the wait. Every single moment of it. :)

I am thrilled, and worried, at the same time, to see where all these changes will bring both of us, in life and in our relationship. One thing for sure, we will grow. With that I hope comes wisdom and maturity, both of which we will take with us as we build our life together in the future. We will continue writing our story many many years to come. Page after page of beautiful story carefully stored in our hearts.

Sleep tight my dear soulmate, I will see you in the morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. hye sayang.. thanks by sticking to me all this years. i never thought that this day will come one day. i never strike me that im able to finish the "extra" one year. anyway, i hope i will succeed in life. there`s always new challenges for us. love u sayang.. huggs!
